Tuesday, 11 April 2017

1940 RICHMOND FOOTBALL CLUB Photo Album with Autographs featuring Jack Dyer

I have a photo album full of photographs and autographs of Richmond Football Club players from the 1940s. Some of the photos are even signed however most of the autographs are on separate cards. It also contains some candid photos of some of the players.

The album belonged to my wife's aunt, Hazel Youie. She was an avid Richmond Tigers fan and a lifetime member of the Richmond Football Club. She was actively involved in the club right up until she passed away in 2005. Over the years she even got to know some of the players personally. The contents of the album were collected by Hazel herself when she was a young lady back in the 1940s and 50s. The only two dates that are visible in the album are 1945 and 1953 however I believe most of the photographs have dates on their backs.

I'm wanting to eventually sell the album. I realise that the album may be worth more if I sell the photos individually, however I would prefer to keep it intact if possible. Photos of all the pages in the album that have photos or autographs on them are shown below. Please feel free to contact me if you think you might be interested in purchasing the album or even if you have any further information about any of the photos.

Photo Album of Richmond Football Club Players
(Album Size – 23cm x 15cm)

List of Signed Photos
Jack Dyer (with signed autograph card)
Bob Bawden
Arthur Mooney (x3) with signed card as well
Fred Cook
Keith Cook

List of unsigned Photos with Signed Autograph Card
Bob Bawden
Leo Merrett
Ron Durham
Leo Maguire
Max Oppy
Jack Scott
Brian Randall
William Wilson
Keith Cook
Laird Smith
Bill Morris
Charles (Chas) Priestly
Fred Burge

List of Signed Autograph Cards (no photos)
Bert Edwards
Bill Perkins
Kevin Barnewall
Sel Murray
Fred Cook

NB: Players names in bold and underlined were members of the 1943 Premiership team

Contact Johnnyfive Collectables at johnnyfivecollectables@gmail.com for any further information regarding the purchase of this photograph album.

Monday, 27 March 2017


I decided to visit the Aladdins Antique & Collectables Fair at Windsor yesterday. It had been some time since I'd been to an Aladdins Fair, but as it was the last day of my holidays I thought I deserved a treat. Not only did I manage to pick up a few treasures but I also caught up with some of my collector friends, bumped into a cousin of mine and enjoyed a leisurely lunch with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law. Overall it was a very pleasant day and a great way to finish my holidays.

Below are some of the items I came home with.

Not a big haul but I think there are some unusual and interesting items among them

An enamel chamber pot and a ceramic 'The New Slipper Bed Pan'

Sandland Ware cream and sugar featuring 'Down Somerset Way' transfer print

Crown Lynn (New Zealand) child's 'Georgie Porgie" mug

Miniature sad iron - 9cm long

Set of four 'Dulcet Piano Peds'

Willow cookie press and carved wooden handled bread knife

'Philips Model of the Human Body (Female)'

I may keep some of these items for my own collection but many will be coming up for sale soon. Feel free to message me if something takes your fancy.

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